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O Lazylawn Lazylawn, wherefore art thou Lazylawn?

Have you seen the latest 3D animated blockbuster ‘Gnomeo & Juliet’? It brings Shakespeare’s classic ‘Romeo & Juliet’ tale out into the garden and replaces the human characters with blue and red hatted garden gnomes. Have a look at the image below to see the bright vibrant lawns of the blue and red gnomes.

Now, we know its computer generated grass, but with a Lazylawn you could make your garden just as bright and vibrant. An artificial lawn can help enhance your garden with a natural looking green lawn all year round but without the mud, mess and stress of caring for it.

So while we can help you with a new lawn, you’ll have to find magical talking gnomes that want to take over your neighbour’s garden on your own!

Enjoy the film –

Lazy Larry

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